Solve the following word problem for the portion, rate, or base.

A medical insurance policy requires Ana to pay the first $100 of her hospital expense. The insurance company will then pay 60% of the remaining expense. Ana is expecting a short surgical stay in the hospital, for which she estimates the total bill to be about $5,500. How much will Ana's portion of the bill amount to?

I am so lost if any one knows this and can help me with the steps I can solve it from there!

5500 - 100 = $5400 = Remaining expense.

0.6 * 5400 = $3240 = Amt. paid by ins. co.

5400 - 3240 = $2160 = Remaining bal.

Ana's portion = 100 + 2160 = $2260.

the remaining expenses are 4500 - 100 = 4400

Ana will pay $100 + 20% of the remaining expenses:

100 + 0.20(4500 - 100) = $980

ughh my brain is like blah. its not understanding how this problem should look

ok so I have the same problem as you but the numbers in it are a little different. so applying my solution to your problem will look like this:

the remaining expenses are 5500 - 100 = 5400

Ana will pay $100 + 60% of the remaining expenses:

100 + 0.60(5500 - 100) = $3340

im still lost...

To solve this word problem, we need to find the portion of the total bill that Ana will have to pay.

Here are the steps to find Ana's portion of the bill:

Step 1: Identify the total bill amount
In this case, the total bill amount is given as $5,500.

Step 2: Determine the insurance company's coverage
The insurance company is required to pay 60% of the remaining expense after Ana pays the first $100. This means Ana is responsible for 40% of the remaining expense.

Step 3: Calculate the remaining expense
To find the remaining expense, we subtract the first $100 paid by Ana from the total bill amount:
Remaining expense = Total bill amount - Ana's initial payment
Remaining expense = $5,500 - $100
Remaining expense = $5,400

Step 4: Calculate Ana's portion of the bill
To find Ana's portion, we need to calculate 40% of the remaining expense:
Ana's portion = Remaining expense * 40%
Ana's portion = $5,400 * 40% (Note: 40% can also be written as 0.40 or 0.4)
Ana's portion = $2,160

Therefore, Ana's portion of the bill will amount to $2,160.

Note: You can always double-check your calculation by adding Ana's portion and the insurance company's portion to see if it equals the total bill amount. In this case, $2,160 + 60% of the remaining expense should equal $5,500.