The height of a triangle is 6 inches less than the base. The area of the triangle is 67.5 square inches. Find the length of the base and the height of the triangle.

A = bh/2

1/2 b (b-6) = 67.5
Now just solve for b, and h=b-6

To find the length of the base and height of the triangle, we can use the formula for the area of a triangle.

The formula for the area of a triangle is:

Area = (base * height) / 2

Let's use this formula and the given information to solve the problem.

We are given that the height of the triangle is 6 inches less than the base. Let's assume the length of the base is "x" inches. Therefore, the height of the triangle would be "x - 6" inches.

Now, we can substitute these values into the area formula:

67.5 = (x * (x - 6)) / 2

To simplify the equation, let's multiply both sides of the equation by 2:

135 = x * (x - 6)

Expanding the equation:

135 = x^2 - 6x

Rearranging the equation to set it equal to zero:

x^2 - 6x - 135 = 0

Now, we can solve this quadratic equation. We can either factor it or use the quadratic formula. Since this equation doesn't factor easily, let's use the quadratic formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

For our equation, a = 1, b = -6, and c = -135. Substituting these values into the quadratic formula, we get:

x = (-(-6) ± √((-6)^2 - 4*1*(-135))) / (2*1)

Simplifying further:

x = (6 ± √(36 + 540)) / 2

x = (6 ± √(576)) / 2

x = (6 ± 24) / 2

Now, we have two possible solutions for x:

1) When x = (6 + 24) / 2 = 30 / 2 = 15

2) When x = (6 - 24) / 2 = -18 / 2 = -9 (but the length can't be negative).

Therefore, the length of the base of the triangle is 15 inches.

Now, let's find the height of the triangle:
Height = base - 6
Height = 15 - 6
Height = 9 inches

So, the length of the base is 15 inches and the height of the triangle is 9 inches.