Mira and Marie sell computers. Last month Mira sold 16 more computers than Marie. Together they sold 56. How many computers did Marie sell?

I should be able to figure out the rest, I just need help with the first steps to get it set up and I should be able to solve the rest:)

M + M + 16 = 56


(40 should be my final)

That doesn't make sense. If Marie sold 40, that would leave only 16 for Mira to sell. But the problem says that Mira sold more than Marie.

Or would it be 36?

I did M+M+16= 56

-16 -16
0 40

Mira sold 36. But the question asks how many Marie sold.

Wouldn't that be X?

What answer were you thinking? I only have 40, 36, 20, 16 as possible answers


I did M+M+16= 56 YES RIGHT
2 M + 16 = 56
subtract 16 from both sides
2 M = 40
divide both sides by 2
M = 20

Marie sold X computers.

Mia sold x+16 computers.

x + (x+16) = 56.
X = 20.