C = 2(pi)r and C = d(pi) are the formulas for finding the _____________ of a circle.




not very good at these but thanks if you wanna help me :)


i answered it with my own answer,my answer was circumference.

i was right :D
but thanks anyway.


You're welcome, too!


The formulas C = 2(pi)r and C = d(pi) are actually both for finding the circumference of a circle. The letter "C" represents the circumference of the circle, "r" represents the radius, and "d" represents the diameter.

To find the circumference using the formula C = 2(pi)r, you need to know the value of the radius. The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to any point on its edge. By multiplying the radius by 2(pi), which is approximately 6.28, you can calculate the circumference.

The other formula C = d(pi) allows you to find the circumference using the diameter. The diameter of a circle is the distance across the circle passing through its center. By multiplying the diameter by pi (approximately 3.14), you can find the circumference of the circle.

So, in summary, the correct answer is "Circumference."