what distinguishes a living thing from a non living

Living things are made up of cells; nonliving things are not.

The distinction between living and non-living things is based on several key characteristics. To determine if something is living or non-living, you can consider the following factors:

1. Organization: Living organisms exhibit a high level of complexity and organization. They are made up of cells, which are the basic structural and functional units of life.

2. Reproduction: Living things have the ability to reproduce and pass on their genetic material to their offspring. They can either reproduce sexually (combining genetic material from two parents) or asexually (producing genetically identical offspring).

3. Growth and Development: Living organisms have the capacity to grow and develop over time. They undergo various stages of maturation and change in size, shape, and function.

4. Response to stimuli: Living organisms can sense and respond to their environment. They have the ability to detect changes in their surroundings and react accordingly.

5. Metabolism: Living things require energy to sustain their vital activities. They have metabolic processes that involve obtaining and utilizing energy, such as through the consumption of food or through photosynthesis.

6. Homeostasis: Living organisms have mechanisms to regulate their internal environment and maintain a stable, balanced state. They are able to adjust and adapt to changing conditions to ensure their survival.

7. Evolution: Living things have the potential for evolutionary change over time. They can undergo genetic mutations and natural selection, leading to diversity and adaptation within a population.

By considering these characteristics, you can distinguish between living and non-living entities. For example, while a rock may exhibit some physical properties and respond to external forces, it does not possess the above features that define living organisms.

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