A movie store sells DVDs for $11 each. What is the cost C of n DVDs? Identify the situation as discrete or continuous.

a. C=11n;continuous***
b. C=11+n;discrete
c. C=11+n;continuous
d. C=11n;discrete

Just so you know, don't typically expect an immediate


11 n

you do not buy half a DVD

I know thx

I stand corrected.

For the graphing a function the answers are


The correct answer is:

a. C=11n; continuous

To understand why, let's break down the equation. In this situation, the cost of purchasing n DVDs is given by the formula C = 11n, where C represents the cost and n represents the number of DVDs.

Continuous situations involve values that can take on any value within a given range. In this case, the number of DVDs, n, can be any positive integer. Therefore, the cost will vary continuously depending on the value of n. For example, if you buy 1 DVD, the cost will be $11. If you buy 2 DVDs, the cost will be $22, and so on.

On the other hand, discrete situations involve values that can only take on specific, separate values. An example of a discrete situation would be the number of DVDs being rounded to the nearest whole number. In that case, the equation C = 11 + n would be considered discrete.

However, in this specific scenario, since the cost of DVDs is directly proportional to the number of DVDs purchased without any restrictions or rounding to specific values, it is considered a continuous situation, and the correct equation is C = 11n.
