What were the reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the new world (choose two)

A to seek wealth
B to enter the fur trade
C to spread Christianity
D to find new medicines
(I think its C and A)

Yes, A and C.

To determine the reasons why the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World, we can analyze the given options. Let's break them down:

A) To seek wealth: This is one of the primary reasons for Spanish colonization. The Spanish saw the New World as a potential source of valuable resources such as gold, silver, and other precious metals. They believed that by colonizing and exploiting these resources, they could greatly increase their wealth and power.

B) To enter the fur trade: The fur trade was not a primary motivation for Spanish colonization. While the fur trade was an important economic activity in other regions, such as North America, it was not a significant factor in the Spanish colonization of the New World.

C) To spread Christianity: This is indeed another crucial reason for Spanish colonization. The Spanish were driven by a desire to spread Catholicism and convert indigenous populations to Christianity. The Crown and the Catholic Church considered the conversion of indigenous people as a religious duty and aimed to establish Christian dominance in the New World.

D) To find new medicines: Although exploration and colonization often led to the discovery of new plants and natural resources, the search for medicines was not a primary goal of Spanish colonization. While they did encounter new plants and medical practices in the New World, it was not a principal motive for their colonization efforts.

Based on the information provided, the two reasons the Spanish wanted to colonize the New World were:

A) To seek wealth
C) To spread Christianity