Ten plants are grown in equal amounts of sunlight with equal amounts of water and varying amounts of fertilizer. Sunlight, water, and fertilizer are

a) experiments b) systems c) variables d) controls


fertilizer is variable. It says that.

the others are controls

It's asking what sunlight, water and fertilizer are

I told you

I agree with Damon; however, since neither c nor d can be correct, I think the answer must be b. The three together make a system.

c) variables

In this scenario, sunlight, water, and fertilizer are variables because they are factors that can be changed or manipulated to observe the effect on the growth of the plants. To determine how each of these variables affects plant growth, an experiment can be conducted.

To set up the experiment, you would need to grow ten plants under controlled conditions, ensuring that each plant receives the same amount of sunlight and water. The varying factor in this experiment would be the amount of fertilizer given to each plant. By altering the amount of fertilizer and observing the growth of the plants, you can determine how fertilizer, as a variable, impacts plant growth in this specific scenario.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) variables.