A fertilizer is advertised as containing 15.8 percent nitrogen by mass. How much nitrogen is there in 45.15 kg of fertilizer?

well, that wold be 0.158 * 45.15 kg, right?

To find out how much nitrogen is there in 45.15 kg of fertilizer, we need to calculate it by using the percentage of nitrogen in the fertilizer.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
15.8% = 15.8/100 = 0.158 (decimal)

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the mass of the fertilizer to find the amount of nitrogen.
Nitrogen = 0.158 * 45.15 kg

Calculating the value:
Nitrogen = 7.13 kg

Therefore, there is approximately 7.13 kg of nitrogen in 45.15 kg of fertilizer.

To find out how much nitrogen is present in 45.15 kg of fertilizer, we need to calculate 15.8% of the mass of the fertilizer.

To do this, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form.
15.8% = 15.8/100 = 0.158

Step 2: Multiply the decimal value by the mass of the fertilizer.
Nitrogen mass = 0.158 * 45.15 kg

Calculating this, we get:
Nitrogen mass = 7.129 kg

Therefore, there is approximately 7.129 kg of nitrogen in 45.15 kg of fertilizer.