when looking at a map of texas how would you determan the distsnce between austin and Dallas?

A. Use the legend to determine the amount of land space between the two cities.

B. Measure the distance with a ruler and compare the measurement to the scale of the map.

C.Use the compass roes to determine the direction of the cites in relation to each other.

D. Use the map grid to determine the latitude and longitude of the two cites.

I think the answer is! D am I correct

Although I teach navigation to Sea Scouts I would not use the latitude and longitude for distance if I had a legend on the chart.

Difference in latitude is distance north and south with one minute of arc being one nautical mile
HOWEVER difference in longitude must be multiplied by the cosine of he latitude to give distance in nautical miles. That is because those lines of constant longitude come closer together as you go north or south of the equator and meet at the north and south poles at which points 360 degrees in longitude is zero miles :)

Yes, B.

Notice that B is the only answer choice with the word "distance" in it! Be sure to read questions and answer choices carefully!

Yes, B works fine. The legend does not always have a distance graphic associated with it.

I disagree. Which is going to help you determine the distance between the two? (How is distance measured?)

You're welcome!

You are welcome.

thank ya'll for helping us out :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :):):):):):):P):P):):):)

ok my next best answer would be B is that correct

Thanks so much I almost cried because yall are so nice!!!!

Actually, the correct answer is B.

To determine the distance between Austin and Dallas on a map of Texas, you would need to measure the distance between the two cities using a ruler, and then compare that measurement to the scale of the map. The scale is usually provided in the map's legend and indicates the ratio between the distances on the map and the actual distances on the ground. By using a ruler and the map's scale, you can obtain an approximate distance between the two cities.