How many yards of fencing do you need to enclose a rectangular yard that is 42 feet long and 84 feet wide.

what is 2*(42+84) ?

To find the number of yards of fencing needed to enclose a rectangular yard, you need to calculate the perimeter of the yard. The perimeter is the distance around the yard.

In this case, the yard is 42 feet long and 84 feet wide. To find the perimeter, you need to add up the lengths of all four sides.

The length of the top and bottom sides (which are the same) is 42 feet, and the length of the two sides (which are the same) is 84 feet.

So, the perimeter = 42 + 42 + 84 + 84 = 252 feet.

Since we want the answer in yards, we need to convert the feet to yards. There are 3 feet in 1 yard.

Therefore, the perimeter in yards = 252 feet รท 3 = 84 yards.

Thus, you would need 84 yards of fencing to enclose the rectangular yard.