Which property justifies each step?

Problem A: 6a + (8b + 2a)

= 6a + (2a + 8b)


This was SO helpful for my math. I am so glad I found it. Thank you! Make more! <3

The property that justifies each step in this problem is the associative property of addition.

The property that justifies each step in this problem is the Associative Property of Addition.

Step 1: 6a + (8b + 2a)
The Associative Property of Addition allows us to rearrange the terms within parentheses without changing the value. In this case, we can rearrange "8b" and "2a" within the parentheses.

Step 2: 6a + (2a + 8b)
The terms "8b" and "2a" have been rearranged within the parentheses using the Associative Property of Addition.