Your mom is trying to save room on her hard drive and wants to uninstall some of her applications. She asks you how to do this. What do you tell her?

Question 2 options:

Find the application folder in Windows Explore and select Uninstall from the context menu.

Right-click on the application execution file and select Delete from the context menu.

Go to Task Manager and find the listed application, then right-click on it and select Uninstall.

Go to Programs and Features and find the listed application. Then right-click on it and select Uninstall.

I think its C

probably D

more comfortable with hardware than software...

Windows 7? Or Windows 10??

They’re different, you know!!

Actually, the correct answer is d) Go to Programs and Features and find the listed application. Then right-click on it and select Uninstall.

To explain further, here is the step-by-step process:

1. Open the Control Panel on your mom's computer. You can do this by searching for "Control Panel" in the Start menu or by clicking on the Start button and selecting Control Panel from the list of options.

2. In the Control Panel, navigate to the "Programs" or "Programs and Features" section. This may vary depending on the version of Windows your mom is using.

3. Once in the "Programs" or "Programs and Features" section, your mom will see a list of installed applications on her computer.

4. She can now scroll through the list and find the application she wants to uninstall. The list is usually in alphabetical order, making it easy to locate specific applications.

5. Once she has found the application, she should right-click on it. This will bring up a context menu with various options.

6. From the context menu, she can select "Uninstall" or "Uninstall/Change" option. Selecting this option will initiate the uninstallation process for that particular application.

7. Follow any on-screen prompts or instructions to complete the uninstallation process. Occasionally, some applications require additional confirmation or input before they can be fully uninstalled.

By following these steps, your mom will be able to uninstall applications from her computer and save space on her hard drive.