Which of the following inhibit(s) creativity?

A. Intrinsic rewards.
B. Lack of competition
C. Free time
D. Inflexible schedules.

My answer is D.

I agree.

Yes, you are correct. Inflexible schedules can inhibit creativity. When individuals are bound by rigid schedules and deadlines, they often feel pressured to complete tasks quickly and efficiently, leaving little room for exploring alternative ideas or thinking outside the box. This lack of flexibility can stifle creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.

To determine which of the options inhibit creativity, let's examine each one:

A. Intrinsic rewards: Intrinsic rewards refer to the personal satisfaction or enjoyment one derives from engaging in a creative activity. In general, intrinsic rewards actually support creativity. When individuals find a task enjoyable or fulfilling, they are more inclined to be creative. Therefore, option A does not inhibit creativity.

B. Lack of competition: Competition can often fuel creativity as individuals strive to outperform their peers or achieve specific goals. However, it is important to note that excessive or unhealthy competition can have negative impacts on creativity by creating an environment focused solely on winning and discouraging risk-taking or experimentation. So, lack of competition does not necessarily inhibit creativity.

C. Free time: Free time can be a valuable resource that allows individuals to explore new ideas, reflect, and engage in creative activities. Having uninterrupted time to think and experiment often leads to creative breakthroughs. Therefore, free time can actually support creativity.

D. Inflexible schedules: Inflexible schedules can indeed inhibit creativity. When individuals are bound by rigid schedules, they may feel pressured or rushed, leaving little room for thinking creatively or exploring alternative approaches. Limited flexibility can hinder the creative process and lead to diminished innovation.

Based on this analysis, it is clear that option D (inflexible schedules) is the option that inhibits creativity.