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A skier is pulled up a slope at constant speed. The tension in the wire pulls the skier with a force of 400N that acts at 40 degree to the slope.

1. Explain with reference to the forces acting on he skier why he travels at constant speed.

2.Describe two possible effects on the skier if the tension in the wire is suddenly increased.

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1. To explain why the skier travels at constant speed, we need to consider the forces acting on them. In this scenario, there are two main forces to consider: the force of tension in the wire and the force of gravity pulling the skier downwards.

The tension in the wire acts at an angle of 40 degrees to the slope. This force can be divided into two components: one component acting parallel to the slope and another component acting perpendicular to the slope. The component acting parallel to the slope helps the skier move up the slope, while the component perpendicular to the slope is counteracted by the force of gravity.

Since the skier is traveling at a constant speed, it means that the net force acting on the skier is zero. This implies that the force of tension in the wire is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force of gravity.

Therefore, the skier travels at a constant speed because the tension force in the wire balances the force of gravity, resulting in a net force of zero.

2. If the tension in the wire is suddenly increased, there are two possible effects on the skier:

- The skier may accelerate: If the tension in the wire is increased, the force of tension will become greater than the force of gravity. This will result in a net force acting on the skier in the direction of the slope, causing the skier to accelerate down the slope.

- The skier may lose balance: A sudden increase in tension could also affect the skier's balance. If the tension becomes too high, it might pull the skier forward or backward, potentially causing them to lose balance and fall.

It is important to note that the exact effect on the skier would depend on various factors such as the skier's mass, the slope's steepness, and the magnitude of the tension increase. Safety precautions should always be taken to ensure the skier's well-being.