Identify the participial phrases and participles that are used as

adjectives in the following sentences. Give the noun or pronoun
each participle or participial phrase modifies.

1. Known as Johnny Appleseed, John Chapman distributed apple
seeds and saplings to families headed west.
2 . Locked doors contradicted the “open” sign in the window.
3. Switching its tail, the leopard closed in on its prey

1. known as Johnny Appleseed-John Chapman
headed west- families
2. locked doors--sign
3. switching its tail-leopard

All correct.

1. Participial phrases and participles used as adjectives:

- Known as Johnny Appleseed (modifies John Chapman)
- headed west (modifies families)

2. Participial phrases and participles used as adjectives:
- Locked doors (modifies sign)

3. Participial phrases and participles used as adjectives:
- Switching its tail (modifies leopard)

To identify the participial phrases and participles used as adjectives in the sentences and determine the noun or pronoun they modify, follow these steps:

1. Identify the participial phrase or participle: Look for words that end in "-ed," "-en," "-ing," or "-t" that are used to describe or modify a noun or pronoun.
2. Determine the noun or pronoun being modified: Look for the noun or pronoun that directly follows the participial phrase or participle and connects it in meaning.

Now, let's break down each sentence and identify the participial phrases and participles used as adjectives:

1. Known as Johnny Appleseed, John Chapman distributed apple seeds and saplings to families headed west.
- Participial phrase: "Known as Johnny Appleseed"
Noun modified: John Chapman

- Participial phrase: "headed west"
Noun modified: families

2. Locked doors contradicted the "open" sign in the window.
- Participial phrase: "Locked doors"
Noun modified: sign

3. Switching its tail, the leopard closed in on its prey.
- Participial phrase: "Switching its tail"
Noun modified: leopard

So, the participial phrases and the nouns or pronouns they modify in each sentence are as follows:

1. Known as Johnny Appleseed - John Chapman
Families headed west - families

2. Locked doors - sign

3. Switching its tail - leopard