Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Suzanne needs material for her school project. She buys 5.50 yards of material at $3.87 a yard. What is the total cost of the material? Round to the nearest cent. Make sure you label your answer appropriately.

OwO is correct! What you need to do is multiply 5.50 and 3.87 which will be 21.285. When it says round to the nearest cent it means round to the tenths place. The tenths place is 2 and because 8 is over 4 the 2 will turn into a 3. The final answer will be $21.30! If I did a mistake, please say so!

The whole number is 21.285, if they mean rounding to the nearest whole number it would be 21.3.

I hope this will help you, I'm a little confused when they say the nearest cent sorry.

total cost = unit cost * no.units

That is, keeping track of the units,
$/yd * yd = $
See how the yd cancels, leaving just the $

I'll let you Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

If I told you a drink costs $2 and I want 3 drinks, would you have any trouble with that? Same idea here.

does anyone have the answers i am confused

Anyone got the answers i really need to check my work rn

he needs to explain more than just that

Do I need to have it for her costume she buys 3.25 yards of material at $5.87 a yard what is the total cost of the fabric around each nearest 100 place

same here :/

The whole number is 21.285, because you have to multiply the cost of each yard by the amount she would like.

Wouldn't it be 21.29?