What is the value of b if -7 + b = -8

I always thought that if you multiplied a negative and a negative it would be positive? Eh I mean I guess I'm on this site for a reason-

Let's solve your equation step-by-step.


Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation.


Step 2: Add 7 to both sides.





Source: Mathpapa


To find the value of b in the equation -7 + b = -8, we can use algebraic techniques. The goal is to isolate the variable b on one side of the equation.

First, let's remove the -7 from the left side of the equation by adding 7 to both sides:

(-7 + b) + 7 = (-8) + 7

On the left side, -7 + 7 is equal to 0, so we are left with:

b = -1

Therefore, the value of b is -1.