The number of pizzas Jason makes on an average Saturday night at Rocky Coast Pizza Company is 17 less than twice the number of pizzas Alia makes. Jason makes 147 pizzas. Choose the equation you would use to find the number of pizzas, n, that Alia makes.

A. 2(n - 17) = 147
B. n = 2(147) - 17
C. 2n = 147 - 17
D. 2n - 17 = 147

twice the number: 2n

17 less than that: 2n-17
so, what say you?

To find the equation that represents the situation, let's break down the information given in the question:

"The number of pizzas Jason makes on an average Saturday night at Rocky Coast Pizza Company is 17 less than twice the number of pizzas Alia makes."

This means that Jason makes 17 less than twice the number of pizzas Alia makes.

Let's say the number of pizzas Alia makes is "n".

Twice the number of pizzas Alia makes would be "2n".

And if Jason makes 17 less than that, it would be "2n - 17".

Now, we are also given that Jason makes 147 pizzas.

Putting it all together, we have the equation:

2n - 17 = 147

Therefore, the correct equation to find the number of pizzas Alia makes is option D: 2n - 17 = 147.