Dianne drew a triangle with coordinates (1,3), (3,2), and (4,2). She drew an image of the triangle with coordinates (−1,3), (−3,2), and (−4,2). How did she make the image?

A. She translated the original figure 2 units down.

B. She translated the original figure 6 units down.

C. She reflected the original figure over the x-axis.

D. She reflected the original figure over the y-axis.

She reflected the original figure over the y-axis.

Thank you lul for saying the answer nicely unlike damon who decided to put it in caps which makes him seem like a really rude tutor/teacher on this site

somebody is right

Yes somebody is very very right!

what is it?

Wait...it could be the y-axis tho if you think ab in cause if it was reflected of the x-axis answers would be (1,-3),(3,-2),(4,-2) cause once you reflect it over the x-axis the first number wouldn’t be negative,if you reflect it over the y axis the first number would be a Negative would and second number would be a positive

idfk bruv

To determine how Dianne made the image of the triangle, let's analyze the changes in the coordinates.

The original triangle has coordinates (1,3), (3,2), and (4,2).
The image of the triangle has coordinates (-1,3), (-3,2), and (-4,2).

Comparing the x-coordinates of the original triangle to the image, we can see that they are the same but with opposite signs. This suggests a reflection over the y-axis.

Comparing the y-coordinates of the original triangle to the image, we can see that they are the same. This suggests no change in the y-coordinates.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Dianne reflected the original figure over the y-axis to create the image.