Tally Lake is 11.25 miles long. Mary starts at one end and kayaks toward the other end, paddling at a constant rate of 2.5 miles per hour. At the same time, Ann starts out from the opposite end and paddles toward Mary at a constant rate of 2 miles per hour. How long will it take for the girls to meet?

so its 2.5 hours?

Yes its 2.5 hours

they are closing the distance at the rate of 4.5 mph

time to meeting = 11.25 mi / 4.5 mph

To find out how long it will take for Mary and Ann to meet, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

First, let's calculate the distance each girl will cover until they meet.

Since Tally Lake is 11.25 miles long, Mary will paddle half the distance, which is 11.25 miles / 2 = 5.625 miles.

Similarly, Ann will also paddle half the distance, which is 11.25 miles / 2 = 5.625 miles.

Now we can calculate the time it will take for Mary and Ann to meet:

Time for Mary = Distance / Mary's Speed = 5.625 miles / 2.5 miles per hour

Time for Mary = 2.25 hours

Time for Ann = Distance / Ann's Speed = 5.625 miles / 2 miles per hour

Time for Ann = 2.8125 hours

Since both Mary and Ann are traveling towards each other simultaneously, the total time it will take for them to meet is the sum of their individual times.

Total time = Time for Mary + Time for Ann

Total time = 2.25 hours + 2.8125 hours

Total time = 5.0625 hours

Therefore, it will take Mary and Ann approximately 5.0625 hours (or 5 hours and 3 minutes) to meet.