Marsha purchased a chair that was originally $699. The chair was on sale for 13 off. Marsha signed up for the store’s credit card and received an additional 10% off the sale price. What was the cost of the chair after the discounts?

To determine the cost of the chair after the discounts, we need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the discount amount: Multiply the original price of the chair ($699) by the discount percentage (13% or 0.13). The discount amount is $699 * 0.13 = $90.87.

2. Subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the sale price: $699 - $90.87 = $608.13.

3. Calculate the additional discount with the store's credit card: Multiply the sale price ($608.13) by the credit card discount percentage (10% or 0.1). The additional discount amount is $608.13 * 0.1 = $60.81.

4. Subtract the additional discount from the sale price to find the final cost of the chair: $608.13 - $60.81 = $547.32.

Therefore, the cost of the chair after the discounts is $547.32.

price after 13% off = 699*.87 = 608.13

after another 10% (60.81) off, that would leave just _____ left.