Unit 1: ready, set, succeed- lesson 2

3. C or D ??
4. A ?
Please help

I'd love to, but I don't see any question.

You want help, or just answers? ...

3. Which resource provides instruction and practice related to the content in the online textbook?

4. Which of the following features of the online textbook will allow you to receive extra instruction on a topic?

Certainly! It seems you are referring to a lesson or assignment in a course called "Unit 1: Ready, Set, Succeed." Without more context or information about the questions, it is difficult for me to provide a specific answer. However, I will explain how you can approach finding the answers yourself.

1. Review the lesson: Go back to Lesson 2 and carefully read the material or instructions provided. Look for any relevant information or examples that could help you answer questions 3 and 4.

2. Analyze the questions: Carefully read questions 3 and 4, and try to understand what they are asking. Pay attention to any specific details, keywords, or phrases included in the questions.

3. Look for clues: Look for any relevant information or hints within the lesson itself. Often, the answers to the questions can be found within the provided material. Pay attention to any examples, explanations, or summaries that could relate to questions 3 and 4.

4. Review your options: For multiple-choice questions like question 3, evaluate each option (C or D) and see which one aligns best with the information you gathered from the lesson. For question 4, determine if option A matches the concepts or ideas discussed in the lesson.

5. Consult additional resources (if needed): If you are still uncertain or unable to find the answers within the lesson, consider reaching out to your instructor or referencing other course materials, such as textbooks or supplementary readings.

Remember, it's important to engage with the material and actively try to understand the concepts rather than just searching for the correct answers. Good luck with your assignment!