the number has 8 digits; none of the digits are the same.

it is evenly divisible by 10.
the value of one of the digits is 80,000.
the digit in the millions place is the largest 1-digit odd number.
the digit in the thousands place is 3 less than the digit in the millions place.
the digit in the hundreds place is half of the digit in the thousand place.
the digit in the tens place is 2 more than the digit in the ones place.
the digit in the hundred thousands place is the largest single-digit factor of 25.
the digit in the ten millions place is an even number.
I am trying to help my granddaughter with this. please help me.

If there are 8 digits and the ten thousands place is 8, the largest digit would be 9. Take it from there.

Sure, I'd be happy to help you solve this problem!

Let's analyze the given information step by step:

1. The number has 8 digits; none of the digits are the same.

Since it has 8 digits and none of them are the same, each digit from 0 to 9 will be used exactly once in the number.

2. It is evenly divisible by 10.

If the number is evenly divisible by 10, it means that the last digit of the number must be 0.

3. The value of one of the digits is 80,000.

This means that one of the digits must be 8, and since it is an 8-digit number, it cannot be in the millions, ten millions, or hundred thousands place.

4. The digit in the millions place is the largest 1-digit odd number.

Since the digit in the millions place is the largest 1-digit odd number, it can only be 9.

5. The digit in the thousands place is 3 less than the digit in the millions place.

Since the digit in the millions place is 9, subtracting 3 from it gives us the digit in the thousands place, which is 6.

6. The digit in the hundreds place is half of the digit in the thousands place.

Since the digit in the thousands place is 6, half of it is 3, so the digit in the hundreds place is 3.

7. The digit in the tens place is 2 more than the digit in the ones place.

We know that the digit in the ones place is 8, so adding 2 to it gives us the digit in the tens place, which is 10.

8. The digit in the hundred thousands place is the largest single-digit factor of 25.

The largest single-digit factor of 25 is 5, so the digit in the hundred thousands place is 5.

9. The digit in the ten millions place is an even number.

There are only two even digits remaining (2 and 4) since 0, 6, 8, and 9 have already been used. Thus, the digit in the ten millions place must be 4.

Putting all the information together, we have the following 8-digit number:


I hope this helps!