Select the expression with the greatest absolute value


"greatest absolute value" means biggest number

... numerical digits ... ignore everything else

|-25| = 25.


To determine the expression with the greatest absolute value, we need to find the expression that has the highest magnitude or distance from zero.

Absolute value is a mathematical concept that represents the distance of a number from zero, regardless of its sign. It is denoted by two vertical lines enclosing a number or an expression.

Now, let's compare the given expressions:

1) -20
2) |-25|
3) |-5|
4) 21

For expression 2), |-25|, we take the absolute value of -25 and it becomes 25.

Now we can compare the magnitudes:

1) -20
2) 25
3) |-5|
4) 21

After comparing the magnitudes, we can see that 25 has the greatest absolute value since it is the furthest from zero. Therefore, the expression with the greatest absolute value is |-25|.