Read the two fictional conflicts below. Using complete sentences, explain how the differences in setting might affect the protagonist.

Story A: A boy gets caught stealing an apple in a crowded high school lunchroom.
Story B: A boy gets caught stealing an apple in a four-person lifeboat that has been drifting at sea for three days.

What differences do you see? In which setting is the boy likely to be caught? In which setting does the boy seem to need the apple more?

ty sue! this actually helped me.

In Story A, the setting is a crowded high school lunchroom. The protagonist, the boy who gets caught stealing an apple, would likely face social consequences as a result of his actions. The crowded lunchroom suggests a community setting where people are more likely to notice and talk about what others do. The embarrassment and shame of being caught stealing in front of his peers could potentially affect the protagonist's reputation and self-esteem. It may also lead to social isolation or being shunned by his classmates. The setting of a high school lunchroom, with its social dynamics and potential for gossip, would likely intensify the consequences for the protagonist.

On the other hand, in Story B, the setting is a four-person lifeboat drifting at sea for three days. This isolated and desperate setting presents a completely different set of challenges for the protagonist. Given the extreme circumstances of being stranded at sea, the protagonist may have to prioritize survival over the consequences of his actions. The theft of an apple could either be seen as a necessary act to alleviate hunger or as a betrayal of trust within the small group. In this tense and life-threatening situation, the protagonist might have to deal with more immediate issues such as hunger, dehydration, and the declining morale of the group. The setting of the lifeboat would likely amplify the physical and emotional toll on the protagonist, as well as the potential conflict and tension among the group members.

In conclusion, the differences in setting between the crowded high school lunchroom and the isolated lifeboat at sea would significantly affect the protagonist in each story. The protagonist in Story A would face social consequences and potential isolation within the school community, whereas the protagonist in Story B would face immediate survival concerns and heightened tension within the limited group of survivors. The unique challenges and dynamics of each setting would shape and influence the protagonist's experiences and choices.