I just need a bit of help on this!

2. In what area of medicine did the Incas make the most notable advances?
<Surgical preparation>
Antibiotic Medicine
Splinting of broken bones
Organ transplants
3. How did empire-building benefit farm production?
by reducing population pressure
<by providing more labor resources>
by expanding trade alliances
by making available fertile, flat lands

Writeacher, us students come here for help. Can you at least TRY to help us instead of sending us somewhere else?

To answer your questions step-by-step:

2. In what area of medicine did the Incas make the most notable advances?

The most notable advances made by the Incas in the field of medicine were in the area of Surgical preparation, Antibiotic Medicine, Splinting of broken bones, and Organ transplants. Choose the correct option that best fits the Incas' notable advances in medicine.

3. How did empire-building benefit farm production?

Empire-building benefited farm production in several ways. Choose the correct option that best describes how empire-building had a positive impact on farm production.

- By reducing population pressure: This option suggests that empire-building helped to reduce population pressure, leading to a more sustainable farming environment.

- By providing more labor resources: This option suggests that the expansion of empires provided access to a larger labor force, which could be used to increase agricultural productivity.

- By expanding trade alliances: This option suggests that through empire-building, trade alliances were expanded, allowing for the exchange of agricultural products and techniques, ultimately boosting farm production.

- By making available fertile, flat lands: This option suggests that when empires expanded, they often gained access to new territories with fertile and flat lands that could be used for farming, thereby increasing farm production.

Choose the correct option that best summarizes how empire-building benefited farm production.

To answer question 2, we need to evaluate each option and determine which one the Incas made the most notable advances in. We can do this by examining the given options one by one.

1. Surgical preparation: The Incas did have some knowledge of surgery, but there were no notable advances or significant contributions in this particular area compared to other civilizations.

2. Antibiotic Medicine: The concept of antibiotics was not known to the Incas, as it was not discovered until much later in history.

3. Splinting of broken bones: The Incas did have knowledge and expertise in treating fractures and injuries. They made use of splints made from materials like bamboo or reed to support and immobilize broken bones, showcasing their skill in this area.

4. Organ transplants: Organ transplants require complex surgical techniques and medical knowledge. It is highly unlikely that the Incas had the capability to perform such procedures.

From this evaluation, it can be deduced that the most notable advances made by the Incas were in the splinting of broken bones. Therefore, the answer to question 2 is "Splinting of broken bones."

For question 3, we can examine the provided options and assess their impact on farm production.

1. By reducing population pressure: A growing population can put pressure on limited resources, including farms. If empire-building helped reduce population pressure, it could have positively impacted farm production.

2. By providing more labor resources: Empire-building often involved conquering and integrating new territories, which provided a larger labor force. Having more labor resources available could have led to increased agricultural productivity and farm production.

3. By expanding trade alliances: While expanding trade alliances can bring economic benefits, its direct impact on farm production might not be significant.

4. By making available fertile, flat lands: Empire-building often led to the acquisition of new territories with different geographical features, including fertile and flat lands that could be utilized for farming. This would have positively influenced farm production.

Considering these options, it can be concluded that the answer to question 3 is "by providing more labor resources," as the integration of new territories and populations through empire-building could have increased the available workforce, thereby benefiting farm production.

You'll need to depend on your text or Google for #2.

I disagree with you on #3, but it's best to double-check your text for this one, too.