7^2 +3[81-(4 6)] Help me


Is this right

7^2 +3[81-(4 6)] Help me


Is this right

In the [81-(4 6)] part, why is there a space between the 4 and the 6?

No, there seems to be a mistake in your calculation. Let's go through step-by-step to find the correct answer.

First, let's simplify the expression within the square brackets:
81 - (4 * 6)

To solve this, start by evaluating the multiplication:
4 * 6 = 24

Now substitute this value back into the equation:
81 - 24

Now you can calculate the subtraction:
81 - 24 = 57

Now let's calculate the remaining portion of the expression:
7^2 + 3 * 57

First, let's square the number 7:
7^2 = 49

Now, let's multiply 3 by 57:
3 * 57 = 171

Finally, add the two results:
49 + 171 = 220

Therefore, the correct answer is 220, not 263.

7^2 +3[81-(4x6)] Is not

so, inside the parentheses, multiply first, as usual