Nina shops at two different stores, Fran’s Foods and Diane’s Deli. She compares the prices in the two stores to determine which one has the better buy on the items she needs. Use the table to select the correct answers for Blank A, Blank B, and Blank C.

Item Fran's Foods Diane's Deli Better Buy
Ketchup $3.69 for 14 1/4 ounces $2.29 for 12 1/2 ounces Diane's
Cereal $3.36 for 16 2/3 ounces $5.52 for 24 3/5 ounces Blank A
Applesauce $3.80 for 10 1/5 ounces $0.86 for 4 2/7 ounces Blank B
Soup $1.99 for 16 1/2 ounces $3.99 for 24 3/4 ounces Blank C

BlankA fran
Blank B diane
blank c fran

the answer for ketchup was given

I have Fran Diane Diane but wasn't so sure on the last one.

What's the answer

To determine which store has the better buy for each item, you need to compare the prices and quantities of the same item in both Fran's Foods and Diane's Deli.

For Blank A, you need to find the better buy for cereal. In the table, Fran's Foods sells the cereal for $3.36 for 16 2/3 ounces, while Diane's Deli sells it for $5.52 for 24 3/5 ounces. To find the better buy, compare the price per ounce.

To find the price per ounce for Fran's Foods, divide the price ($3.36) by the quantity (16 2/3 ounces). You can convert 16 2/3 into an improper fraction as (50/3) ounces. So, the price per ounce for Fran's Foods cereal is $3.36 ÷ (50/3) ounces.

To find the price per ounce for Diane's Deli, divide the price ($5.52) by the quantity (24 3/5 ounces). You can convert 24 3/5 into an improper fraction as (123/5) ounces. So, the price per ounce for Diane's Deli cereal is $5.52 ÷ (123/5) ounces.

Now, compare the price per ounce for both stores to determine the better buy for cereal. Choose the option where the price per ounce is lower.

For Blank B, you need to find the better buy for applesauce. In the table, Fran's Foods sells the applesauce for $3.80 for 10 1/5 ounces, while Diane's Deli sells it for $0.86 for 4 2/7 ounces. Again, compare the price per ounce by dividing the price by the quantity for each store.

For Blank C, you need to find the better buy for soup. In the table, Fran's Foods sells the soup for $1.99 for 16 1/2 ounces, while Diane's Deli sells it for $3.99 for 24 3/4 ounces. Compare the price per ounce by dividing the price by the quantity for each store.

Based on the calculations for each item, fill in Blank A, Blank B, and Blank C with the store that has the better buy.

I will check one of them for you, then you check your answers in the same way

Ketchup $3.69 for 14 1/4 ounces $2.29 for 12 1/2 ounces Diane's

Fran: unit price for Ketchup = $3.69/14.25 ounces = .2589.. cents/oz
Diane: $2.29/12.5 oz = .1832 cents/oz
You picked Dianne, which is CORRECT

So find the unit price for each case, that is, the cost per ounce