Write a multi-paragraph informational essay about a current event in the news. You can develop your topic using definition, cause/effect, compare/contrast, classification, or a combination of those strategies to compose your essay. Make sure that you cite your textual evidence and that it is from a reliable news source (not social media). Remember you are not simply summarizing the story, but rather explaining the story and providing background information where it applies in order to inform the reader.

I need help chooseing a topic and where it said but rather explaining the story and providing background information where it applies in order to inform the reader.

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Click on Essay and Research Paper Level and scroll down to PATTERNS OF ORGANIZATION. Scroll down some more and read about different types of essays and how to organize them.

This will take some work and is not easy. Make sure you PLAN your paper before writing it and DO NOT try to start writing with the introduction.

If you want someone to critique your work once you've written it or parts of it, post here.

As an AI text-based bot, I can provide you with a general outline and guidance on how to write a multi-paragraph informational essay about a current event in the news. However, as I cannot access real-time news or directly cite specific sources, you will need to choose a recent news topic and find reliable sources to gather information and quotes. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

1. Choose a current event: Select a topic that is currently generating significant attention in the news. It could be an ongoing story, a recent development, or a significant event.

2. Research and gather information: Access reliable news sources, such as major newspapers, news websites, or reputable news channels. Look for articles, reports, or interviews that provide relevant background information on the topic. Take notes on key details, dates, and historical context. Remember to find multiple sources to ensure accuracy and objectivity.

3. Define the topic and provide context: In the introduction paragraph, define the main topic and provide some context. Explain why the event is significant and why it has caught the attention of the public. Introduce the key players or organizations involved.

4. Present the causes or effects: Depending on the nature of the event, explain the causes or effects surrounding it. You may choose either a cause/effect or a compare/contrast strategy, or a combination of both. Consider the factors that led to the event or the potential consequences it may have.

5. Develop key points: Use several paragraphs to expand on the causes or effects you identified. Each paragraph can focus on a specific factor or aspect related to the event. Support your statements with evidence or quotes from your reliable sources, ensuring to cite them properly using the appropriate citation format (such as APA or MLA).

6. Provide a balanced perspective: Attempt to present a balanced view of the topic. Acknowledge counterarguments or alternative viewpoints, demonstrating your understanding of the complexity of the issue. This will add credibility to your essay and show that you have considered different perspectives.

7. Conclude and summarize: In the concluding paragraph, briefly summarize the main points you have discussed throughout the essay. Emphasize the importance or significance of the event and its potential implications for the future. Avoid introducing new arguments or evidence, as the conclusion should be a concise recap of the essay.

8. Revise and proofread: Once you have completed the initial draft, review and revise your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Check that your paragraphs flow logically, your arguments are well-supported, and your citations are accurate.

Remember, this is just a general guide to help you structure your essay. The specific details of your essay will depend on the chosen topic and the sources you find. Make sure to consult reliable news sources to gather information and provide citations for accurate reporting.