Christine drove 303 miles using 15 gallons of gas. at the same rate, how many miles would she drive using 16 gallons of gas?

303 / 15 = x / 16

To find out how many miles Christine would drive using 16 gallons of gas at the same rate, you can use a proportion.

The given proportion is:

Miles driven / Gallons of gas = Miles driven / Gallons of gas

Let's plug in the given values:

303 miles / 15 gallons = Miles to find / 16 gallons

To solve for Miles to find, we can cross-multiply and solve the equation:

303 * 16 = 15 * Miles to find

4848 = 15 * Miles to find

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 15 to isolate Miles to find:

Miles to find = 4848 / 15

Miles to find = 323.2

Therefore, Christine would drive approximately 323.2 miles using 16 gallons of gas at the same rate.

To find how many miles Christine would drive using 16 gallons of gas, we can use the concept of ratios.

We know that Christine drove 303 miles using 15 gallons of gas. This means she drove at a rate of 303 miles per 15 gallons, or 20.2 miles per gallon.

Now, let's use this ratio to find how many miles she would drive using 16 gallons of gas.

20.2 miles per gallon * 16 gallons = 323.2 miles

Therefore, Christine would drive approximately 323.2 miles using 16 gallons of gas.

303mi/15gal = 20.2 mi./gal.

d = 16gal * 20.2mi/gal = __miles.