In a paragraph, analyze how the American Revolution worsened the economic condition for many citizens. Consider the people who raised concerns about economic problems. Include the steps citizens took to address their economic problems.

I need help pleassse

Wow Ms. Sue, you brought us to a google search. Like we already haven't tried that before.

In early as before the revolution the Britishers and made it a point that trading happened between the powers that was under the British colonies After The American Revolution took place majority of Citizens poverty and economy was crippled. The people of America Very peacefully boycotted British goods to make the Parliament listen to them and this form in a very short time paid Returns In the Parliament had to pass certain declaration acts in favour of people.

( ms sue. online classes for highschoolers is stressful, and you seem to be no help. Please, and i do mean this with all respect. Shut. up)



Sure, I can help you with that. To analyze how the American Revolution worsened the economic condition for many citizens, we need to understand the context of the time. The American Revolution, fought between 1775 and 1783, marked a significant turning point in American history. While the Revolution aimed for political and social change, it had unintended economic consequences.

During the Revolution, the colonies faced immense financial burdens from funding the war effort. This led to high debt levels for both the government and individual citizens. Inflation became rampant, causing a sharp devaluation of the colonial currency. Additionally, trade disruptions and the loss of British colonial markets resulted in economic decline and unemployment.

Concerns about these economic problems were raised by various groups, including farmers, artisans, and the working class. These individuals suffered the most due to difficulties in maintaining their livelihoods and supporting their families. They decried the rising costs of goods and services and voiced their frustration at the lack of economic opportunities.

To address their economic problems, citizens took several steps. They formed organizations and groups, such as the Sons of Liberty and the Committees of Correspondence, to collectively voice their grievances. These groups mobilized boycotts of British goods and encouraged domestic production, focusing on items such as clothing and food. By promoting self-sufficiency and reducing reliance on British imports, they aimed to alleviate economic strain.

Additionally, citizens put pressure on colonial legislatures to enact laws that would protect their economic interests. For example, some colonies passed legislation to regulate prices, control inflation, and address issues related to debt relief. These measures were intended to mitigate the economic impact of the Revolution on ordinary citizens.

In summary, the American Revolution had detrimental effects on the economic condition of many citizens. The costs of war, inflation, and trade disruptions worsened their financial situation. Faced with economic hardships, citizens raised concerns about these problems and took actions such as organizing boycotts and pushing for legislative measures to address their economic woes.
