The record for the boston Marathon wheelchair division is 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 27 second long.

The boston marathon is 26.2 miles long. What was the average speed of the record winner of the wheelchair division?

1 min = 60 sec

1h = 60 min

1h = 60 min = 60 ∙ 60 sec = 3600 sec

1 h 18 min 27 sec = 1 + 18 / 60 + 27 / 3600 =

3600 / 3600 + 18 ∙ 60 / 60 ∙ 60 + 27 / 3600 =

3600 / 3600 + 1080 / 3600 + 27 / 3600 = 4707 / 3600 h

average speed = distamce / time = 26.2 mi / ( 4707 / 3600 ) h =

26.2 ∙ 3600 mi / 4707 h = 94320 mi / 4707 h = 20.038241 mi / h

average speed approximately = 20 mi / h

To calculate the average speed of the record winner of the Boston Marathon wheelchair division, we need to convert the distance of 26.2 miles to a unit of time in hours. Then, we can divide the distance by the time taken.

To convert the distance from miles to hours, we need to know the total time taken in hours. Given that the record time is 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 27 seconds, we need to convert the minutes and seconds to hours.

To convert the minutes to hours, we divide the minutes by 60 since there are 60 minutes in an hour. So 18 minutes would be 18/60 = 0.3 hours.

To convert the seconds to hours, we divide the seconds by 3600 since there are 3600 seconds in an hour. So 27 seconds would be 27/3600 ≈ 0.0075 hours.

Now, we can add up the time to get the total time in hours:
1 hour + 0.3 hours + 0.0075 hours = 1.3075 hours.

Next, we can calculate the average speed by dividing the distance by the total time:
Average Speed = Distance / Time
Average Speed = 26.2 miles / 1.3075 hours

Calculating this, we find that the average speed of the record winner of the Boston Marathon wheelchair division is approximately 20.02 miles per hour.