in ancient egypt the pharaoh governed by relying on?

The choices are surpluses, merchants, a bureaucracy, and scribes. I have no idea which is which.

this is due tomorrow 😭

In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh governed by relying on a variety of sources of authority and control. To understand how the pharaoh governed, we can look at different aspects:

1. Divine Authority: The pharaoh was considered a living god or the intermediary between the gods and the people. The belief in the divinity of the pharaoh gave him ultimate power and authority. The pharaoh acted as the chief priest and performed religious rituals, ensuring the favor of the gods and maintaining order in the kingdom.

2. Centralized Administration: The pharaoh established a centralized bureaucratic system to govern efficiently. He appointed trusted officials, known as viziers, who were responsible for overseeing various aspects of governance, such as law enforcement, taxation, and public works. The viziers acted as advisors to the pharaoh and implemented his policies.

3. Military Control: The pharaoh relied on a strong military to ensure territorial defense, uphold law and order, and suppress any rebellions or external threats. The pharaoh was often depicted as a warrior, emphasizing his role as the protector of Egypt's sovereignty.

4. Pharaonic Laws and Edicts: The pharaoh issued laws and edicts to regulate society, maintain social order, and administer justice. These laws covered a wide range of matters such as land ownership, trade, crime, and punishments. The pharaoh's decrees were considered divine mandates and were enforced by the appointed officials.

5. Economic Control: The pharaoh had control over the land and resources of Egypt. He oversaw agricultural production, irrigation systems, and the distribution of resources. The pharaoh also controlled trade, imposed taxes, and collected tributes from regions under his authority.

To understand the specific ways in which the pharaoh governed, historians study ancient Egyptian texts, such as the "Instructions for Merikare" or the "Maxims of Ptahhotep," which provide insights into the principles of governance and the pharaoh's role in maintaining a stable and prosperous society.

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