2. What type of communication is occurring when Sean Chris flex upon his performance in the state championship basketball game

A. Interpersonal communication
B.intrapersonal Communication*
C. Mass communication
D. Public communication

3. A student has received a D on her English paper and is disgusted with her teacher strategies that she might use to achieve higher grades in the future. The conversation between the student and the teacher is an example of...
A. Interpersonal communication
B. Intraperapersonal Communication
C. Mass communication*
D. Public communication

4. John has been named Valedictorian Of his high school, and while he is proud that he has earned that title he is quite nervous about giving a speech in front of 500 people on graduation day. What type of c ommunication is John nervous about
A.interpersonal Communication
B.intrapersonal Communication
C. Mass communication
D. Public communication*

4 is right. I don't understand the other two questions.

Im not sure about number 2, But I disagree with 3. And I agree with number 4.

I hope this helps!



2. The type of communication occurring when Sean Chris reflects upon his performance in the state championship basketball game is intrapersonal communication. Intrapersonal communication refers to the internal dialogue and self-reflection that takes place within an individual.

To determine the answer, we can analyze the situation described in the question. Sean Chris is reflecting upon his own performance, which indicates that he is engaging in self-reflection and thinking about his actions and feelings. This is a personal and internal process, making it an example of intrapersonal communication.

3. The conversation between the student and the teacher, where the student expresses her disgust with her teacher's strategies and discusses ways to achieve higher grades in the future, is an example of mass communication. Mass communication involves the transmission of information to a large audience through various forms of media.

To identify the answer, we can analyze the characteristics of the communication described in the question. The conversation between the student and the teacher is not limited to a one-on-one interaction but rather involves the exchange of ideas and information related to educational strategies and grades. This suggests that the communication is not interpersonal (limited to two individuals) but rather involves a broader dissemination of information, making it an example of mass communication.

4. John's nervousness about giving a speech in front of 500 people on graduation day is an example of public communication. Public communication refers to the process of delivering information or messages to a large audience in a public setting.

To determine the answer, we can analyze the situation presented in the question. John's nervousness is specifically related to the prospect of giving a speech in front of a large audience of 500 people. This suggests that he will be delivering his message or information in a public setting, making it an example of public communication.