What event is thought to have occurred about 3.5 billion years ago?

The first life appeared on earth.

The event that is thought to have occurred about 3.5 billion years ago is the origin of life on Earth. This was a significant milestone in the history of our planet, as it marked the emergence of the first living organisms. While the exact details of how life arose are still a subject of scientific investigation and debate, it is believed that early life forms, such as bacteria-like organisms, started to develop in the oceans during this time period.

To arrive at this answer, I relied on scientific knowledge and research about the origins of life. The estimated timing of this event is based on a combination of fossil evidence, genetic analysis, and geological dating methods that scientists have used to study early Earth. By examining ancient rocks and minerals, as well as studying the chemical composition of the atmosphere and the presence of certain geological features, researchers have been able to piece together a timeline of Earth's history, including the emergence of life around 3.5 billion years ago.