what are some word that describe people in spanish

There are a huge number of adjectives that can describe people, just as there are in English.

examples: joven, viejo, rico, pobre, perezozo, agradable, gordo
Some have word endings that depend upon gender and singular/plural

What quality do you want to describe?

There you have examples. Be sure the adjective(s) agree in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) with the noun(s) modified!


To find words that describe people in Spanish, you can utilize online dictionaries or translation tools. Here are a few common adjectives used to describe people in Spanish:

1. Inteligente - Intelligent
2. Amable - Kind
3. Divertido(a) - Fun
4. Generoso(a) - Generous
5. Paciente - Patient
6. Creativo(a) - Creative
7. Organizado(a) - Organized
8. Ambicioso(a) - Ambitious
9. Comunicativo(a) - Communicative
10. Responsable - Responsible

You can also expand your vocabulary by searching for Spanish adjectives that describe personality traits or physical appearances depending on what you're looking for. Remember, translating individual words may not always capture the full meaning, context, or cultural connotations, so it's useful to double-check translations in different sources.