write a letter in french to your penpal inviting him or her to your birthday party

Aujourd’hui est ma anniversaire. Je suis organise la boum. Ma parents donnet la premssion. La boum est en ma grande, belle maison. Le invitions sont donnet a ma les amies. La boum est a cinq heure

Avant la boum, je arrange la salle. Ma mere, ma grand-mere et ma soeur preprare les plates de delicieuse .Le delicieuse plates sont le pizza, le pasta beacoup plus. Ma pere est apportant ma grande double chocolat gateau parce que, j’aime le chcocolat. Je emprunte discques a la jazz et rock. Nous avon aussi le dansuer et amuser.
Mes amis donnee : des boucles d’ oreilles, la parfume,la cravate, les livers, les fleurs, coillers, bracelets et beaucup plus. La boum finit a 21h.


En francais, s'il vour plait.

This is an example of a question that needs to be filtered out and automatically redirected. I'm working on it. Thanks!


Write a letter in french to your friend inviting him or her to your wedding party


Writing a letter in French to invite your penpal to your birthday party can be done by following a few steps:

1. Greeting:
Start your letter by addressing your penpal. If you're on familiar terms, you can use "Cher" (for a male) or "Chère" (for a female). If you're not as close, you can use "Cher(e) ami(e)" which means "Dear friend".

2. Introduction:
Introduce yourself by sharing a few personal details such as your name and age. For example, "Je m'appelle [Your Name] et j'ai [Your Age] ans." This means "My name is [Your Name] and I am [Your Age] years old."

3. Invitation:
Politely invite your penpal to your birthday party. You can use phrases like "J'aimerais t'inviter à ma fête d'anniversaire" which means "I would like to invite you to my birthday party." It's also a good idea to include the date, time, and location of the event.

4. Details:
Provide additional details about the party, such as the theme, activities, or any special instructions for attending. You can say something like "La soirée aura lieu le [Date] à [Time] chez moi" which means "The party will take place on [Date] at [Time] at my place."

5. RSVP:
Request a response from your penpal by including a polite request for confirmation. For example, "Peux-tu me faire savoir si tu pourras venir?" which means "Can you let me know if you can come?"

6. Closing:
End your letter with a closing phrase like "Au plaisir de te revoir" (Looking forward to seeing you again) or "Amicalement" (Kind regards), followed by your name.

Remember to adapt the letter based on your specific situation and the level of formality you have with your penpal.

hello sun_rita,

I am very happy to write to you this letter.the reason why am writing you this letter is to tell that i want to invite you to my birthday party
And how is your mother.greet your mother for me. and how is your younger brother.by he way,the birthday party will begin at 9:00am to2:30pm
so do not miss it