there are 1000 students.

The 6th grade surveyed.12% of the students brunge lunch from home.suppose 24 6th graders do many 6th graders are at the school? HELP PLEEZ!

24 / 0.12 = ?

200 6th grades students are in the school.

What do you see in a clean nose

To find out how many 6th graders are at the school, you can use the information given that 12% of the students bring lunch from home and that 24 6th graders do so.

First, we need to determine the total number of students who bring lunch from home. We know that 24 students bring lunch from home, which represents 12% of the total number of students. To find out what the total number of students is, we divide 24 by 0.12 (which is the decimal representation of 12%).

24 / 0.12 = 200

So, the total number of students in the school is 200.

However, the question specifically asks about the number of 6th graders in the school. Unfortunately, the provided information is not sufficient to determine the number of 6th graders specifically. We would need additional information about the percentage or number of 6th graders in the school to answer that part of the question.

Hope this helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.