In many forest very little sunlight reaches the smaller plants who lived on the ground or the florest floor because the tall trees block the sunlight awy from the smaller plants.Which of the following young trees has the BEST chance to survive and reproduce in this forest?

A.A tree that can grow in shadeed areas.
B.A tree that is avoided by insects
C.A tree that reproduces nuts and good. berries for animals.
D.A tree that has strong strong very strong root system to collest water.

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Only one answer deals with what the question dealt with: This question is testing your science reasoning ability. (Given information, make an inference based on the information)

The best answer to this question is A. A tree that can grow in shaded areas. This is because in a forest with limited sunlight, the smaller plants on the ground or forest floor would need to adapt to low light conditions in order to survive and reproduce. Trees that can tolerate shade are more likely to be successful in this environment as they can continue to photosynthesize and grow despite the lack of direct sunlight. By choosing a tree that is adapted to shaded areas, it increases its chances of survival and reproduction in the given forest ecosystem.

In order to arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of plants and their ability to thrive in different light conditions. To find the answer, you have to apply your knowledge of plant adaptations, specifically the ability of certain trees to tolerate shade. By reasoning through the information provided in the question, you can make an inference that a tree that can grow in shaded areas would have the best chance of survival and reproduction in a forest where sunlight is limited.