Which describe major achievements of Ferdinand Magellan’s exploration efforts?

(Select all that apply.)

A:Magellan proved the earth was round and could be sailed.
B:Magellan discovered the Incan Empire in Peru.
C:Magellan proved the earth was much larger than expected.
D:Magellan discovered the Aztec Empire in Mexico.

Is it A & C.?


Yes, you are correct. The major achievements of Ferdinand Magellan's exploration efforts include A: proving that the earth was round and could be sailed and C: proving that the earth was much larger than expected.

To arrive at this answer, one must have knowledge about the historical accomplishments of Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan's expedition, although he did not complete it himself, provided significant evidence that supported the idea that the earth was round and could be circumnavigated. He and his crew sailed around the globe, proving that it was possible to do so. This finding challenged the prevailing belief at the time that the earth was flat, and it greatly expanded knowledge about the earth's geography. Additionally, Magellan's expedition revealed that the earth was much larger than previously thought, as the journey took longer than anticipated.

On the other hand, Magellan did not discover the Incan Empire in Peru or the Aztec Empire in Mexico. These civilizations were already well-established and thriving before Magellan's expedition.