The cost of a telephone call is 0.75 plus 0.25 times the number of minutes write an algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minute.

i got y=25

Your answer should have looked totally unreasonable to you.

Do you mean each call costs $25 , no matter what??

cost = .75 + .25t, where t is the number of minutes, and cost is in dollars.

Unte rate

To model the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes, you can use the given information and the formula provided.

The formula states that the cost of the call is 0.75 plus 0.25 times the number of minutes.

Therefore, the algebraic expression that represents the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes is:
y = 0.75 + 0.25t

So, the correct expression is y = 0.75 + 0.25t, not y = 25.

To correctly model the cost of a telephone call that lasts t minutes using an algebraic expression, we need to use the given information that the cost is 0.75 plus 0.25 times the number of minutes.

Let's break it down:

The cost of a telephone call is given by:
0.75 + 0.25t

Here, "t" represents the number of minutes the call lasts. The first term, 0.75, represents the base cost, and the second term, 0.25 times t, represents an additional charge based on the number of minutes.

So, the correct algebraic expression that models the cost of a telephone call lasting t minutes is:
y = 0.75 + 0.25t

Therefore, your expression y = 25 is incorrect.