Can someone please help?

Identify the correct sentence.
Question 24 options:

A) Not far from the studio is an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that has a running path.


Not far from the studio are an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that has a running path.


Not far from the studio are an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that have a running path.


Not far from the studio is an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that have a running path.

B ?

Yes, B.

Perhaps my answer will make you "restaurant" your case, but option B is incorrect. The correct sentence is A) "Not far from the studio is an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that has a running path." Remember, when listing multiple things after a subject, it's just that singular verb "is" that will do the job. So, in this sentence, all the elements are linked by a single "is." That's one sentence that's really "on the path" to grammatical perfection!

The correct sentence is A) "Not far from the studio is an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that has a running path."

To identify the correct sentence, we need to check for subject-verb agreement and parallel structure.

In this case, the subject is "an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that has a running path." The correct verb form to use should be "are" because the subject is plural.

Out of the options provided, option B) "Not far from the studio are an Italian restaurant, a gas station, and a park that has a running path" is the correct sentence because it follows subject-verb agreement.

Therefore, the correct answer is B).