Mohave Community College reimburses faculty members $.298 cents per mile to go to a workshop. Professor Boes submitted her travel log for a total of 650.11 miles. What reimbursement can Professor Boes expect? (Round to the nearest cent.)

A. $193.71

B. $193.70

C. $193.73

D. $193.72

My answer is C.


To calculate the reimbursement amount for Professor Boes, we need to multiply the number of miles traveled (650.11) by the reimbursement rate per mile ($0.298).

Reimbursement = 650.11 miles * $0.298 per mile

Reimbursement = $193.70538

Rounding this amount to the nearest cent, we get $193.71.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. $193.71.

To calculate the reimbursement that Professor Boes can expect, you need to multiply the number of miles traveled (650.11) by the reimbursement rate per mile ($0.298).

Therefore, the calculation is as follows:
Reimbursement = 650.11 miles * $0.298/mile

To find the correct answer, you can perform this multiplication calculation using a calculator or manually.

The correct answer is D. $193.72, as it is the closest cent when rounding the total reimbursement.