Problem 4. Gaussian Random Variables

Let X be a standard normal random variable. Let Y be a continuous random variable such that


Find E[Y|X=x] (as a function of x , in standard notation) and E[Y] .


Compute Cov(X,Y) .

The conditional PDF of X given Y=y is of the form


By examining the coefficients of the quadratic function in the exponent, find E[X∣Y=y] and Var(X∣Y=y) .



How did you guys calculate cov(x,y)?

Sorry, (4) is wrong above: Here are my latest answers: let me know if I am wrong.

E[Y|X=x] = -2*x
E[Y] = 0
Cov[X,Y]= -2
E[X|Y=y]= (-2*y)/5
Var[X|Y=y]= 1/5

1. E[Y|X=x] = -2*x

2. E[Y] = 0
3. Cov[X,Y]= -2

I've got the same 4 answers. Not sure if they're right though

E[Y|X=x] = -2*x
E[Y] = 0
Cov[X,Y]= -2
E[X|Y=y]= (-2*y)/5
Var[X|Y=y]= 1/5

To find E[Y|X=x], we need to integrate over the possible values of Y while keeping X=x.

1. Start by writing out the integral: E[Y|X=x] = ∫ y * fY|X(y|x) dy, where fY|X(y|x) is the conditional PDF given in the problem statement.

2. Substitute the given expression for fY|X(y|x) into the integral: E[Y|X=x] = ∫ y * (12π)^(-1/2) * exp(-(y+2x)^2/2) dy.

3. Solve the integral by recognizing that the integrand is proportional to the PDF of a normal distribution. The integral evaluates to ∫ y * (12π)^(-1/2) * exp(-(y+2x)^2/2) dy = x.

Therefore, E[Y|X=x] = x.

To find E[Y], we need to compute the unconditional expectation of Y, which means integrating over the possible values of X as well.

1. Start by writing out the integral: E[Y] = ∫ E[Y|X=x] * fX(x) dx, where fX(x) is the standard normal PDF.

2. Substitute the expression for E[Y|X=x] from the previous step: E[Y] = ∫ x * fX(x) dx.

3. Recognize that the integrand is proportional to the PDF of a normal random variable. The integral evaluates to ∫ x * fX(x) dx = 0.

Therefore, E[Y] = 0.

To compute Cov(X,Y), we need to integrate the joint PDF of X and Y multiplied by the deviations of X and Y from their means.

1. Start by writing out the integral: Cov(X,Y) = ∫ ∫ (X - E[X]) * (Y - E[Y]) * fX,Y(x,y) dx dy.

2. Substitute the given expression for fY|X(y|x) into fX,Y(x,y): Cov(X,Y) = ∫ ∫ (X - E[X]) * (Y - E[Y]) * (12π)^(-1/2) * exp(-(y+2x)^2/2) dx dy.

3. Solve the double integral by recognizing the integrand as a bivariate normal distribution. The integral evaluates to Cov(X,Y) = ∫ (X - E[X]) * (Y - E[Y]) * fX(x) dx.

4. Recognize that the integrand is proportional to the PDF of a normal random variable. The integral evaluates to Cov(X,Y) = ∫ (X - E[X]) * (Y - E[Y]) * fX(x) dx = ∫ x * 0 * fX(x) dx = 0.

Therefore, Cov(X,Y) = 0.

Now, let's move on to finding E[X|Y=y] and Var(X|Y=y) using the conditional PDF of X given Y=y.

By examining the coefficients of the quadratic function in the exponent, we can determine the mean and variance of X given Y=y.

1. The expression α(y)exp{-quadratic(x,y)} contains the quadratic term -(y+2x)^2/2. From this, we can deduce that the mean of X given Y=y is -2y.

2. The quadratic term also allows us to determine the variance of X given Y=y. In this case, the variance is 1/2.

Therefore, E[X|Y=y] = -2y and Var(X|Y=y) = 1/2.

anyone else getting 0 for the Covariance?

no, I am getting Cov=1

E[Y|X=x] = -2x

E[Y] = 0

sorry, made a mistake with my Covariance, it is not zero. Any one else get these numbers:

(1) -2*x
(2) -2
(3) (-2*y)/5
(4) (2*x)+(1/5)