A heating instrument has 12 resistors and they are placed vertically and have a uniform reducing Power.The powers of the first, second, third and fourth resistors are 3000,2600,2200 and 1800 respectively.Find the power of the resistor?


To find the power of the resistor, we need to determine the pattern or relationship between the powers of the resistors.

From the given information, we can observe that the power of each resistor is decreasing by a constant value. Let's calculate this constant value by finding the difference between the powers of consecutive resistors:

Difference between the first and second resistors: 3000 - 2600 = 400
Difference between the second and third resistors: 2600 - 2200 = 400
Difference between the third and fourth resistors: 2200 - 1800 = 400

Since the difference is constant, we can conclude that each resistor decreases in power by 400.

Now, let's find the power of the resistor. Since the power of the first resistor is given as 3000, we can calculate the power of the last resistor using the formula:

Power of last resistor = Power of first resistor - (Number of resistors - 1) * Difference

Number of resistors = 12
Difference = 400

Power of last resistor = 3000 - (12 - 1) * 400
Power of last resistor = 3000 - 11 * 400
Power of last resistor = 3000 - 4400
Power of last resistor = -1400

Therefore, the power of the resistor is -1400.

To find the power of the resistor, we need to determine the pattern and calculate the difference in power between each resistor.

Given that the powers of the resistors decrease uniformly, we can infer that there is a constant difference in power between adjacent resistors. Let's calculate this difference:

The power of the first resistor is 3000.
The power of the second resistor is 2600.
The difference between the first and second resistor is 3000 - 2600 = 400.

Similarly, the difference between the second and third resistors is 2600 - 2200 = 400.
And the difference between the third and fourth resistors is 2200 - 1800 = 400.

Now that we have calculated the constant difference, we can use it to find the power of the resistor.

The difference between the powers of each resistor is 400, so we can find the power of the resistor by subtracting 400 from the power of the fourth resistor.

Power of the resistor = Power of the fourth resistor - Difference = 1800 - 400 = 1400.

Therefore, the power of the resistor is 1400.