At Costco, a flat-screen television with a regular price of $1,790 was reduced by $395. Assuming 800 customers purchased the television, what were the total sales to Costco?

A. $1,160

B. $1,161,000

C. $1,116,000

D. $116,000

my answer is C.

Yes, C.

Thanks Ms. Sue

You're welcome, Diana.

Diana wanna come to sway

To find the total sales to Costco, we need to multiply the number of customers by the reduced price of the television.

The reduced price of the television is calculated by subtracting the discount from the regular price. In this case, the discount is $395 and the regular price is $1,790. Thus, the reduced price is $1,790 - $395 = $1,395.

Now, to find the total sales, we multiply the reduced price by the number of customers. In this case, the number of customers is 800.

Therefore, the total sales to Costco would be $1,395 * 800 = $1,116,000.

So, your answer of C, $1,116,000, is correct.