Previously I asked this question below and got an answer with explanation.

Arlene wants to randomly chhose one of 12 rows to sit in. how can she do this?
A) Roll a number cube.
B) Flip a coin.
C) Flip a coin twice.
D) Flip a coin and roll a number cube.
Thank you for that. Now this one is similar but I don’t understand how I get 1 out of 3 options for new car.
Here is the question.
Charlie wants to randomly select one of 3 options for a new car. Which of the following is one way he can do this?
A) Roll a number cube.
B) Flip a coin.
C) Flip a coin twice.
D) Flip a coin and roll a number cube.

Please help me with this question. Thank you.

number cube has 6 numbers

1 or 2 option one
3 or 4 option two
5 or 6 option three

To understand how to get 1 out of 3 options for a new car, let's analyze the given options:

A) Roll a number cube: A number cube typically has six sides, so rolling it would give you a result between 1 and 6. This option does not provide exactly three options, so it is not the answer.

B) Flip a coin: Flipping a coin gives you two possible outcomes, heads or tails. Since you need three options for a new car, this option does not provide enough choices, so it is not the answer.

C) Flip a coin twice: With this option, you would flip a coin twice, resulting in four possible outcomes: heads-heads, heads-tails, tails-heads, and tails-tails. Again, this option does not yield exactly three options, so it is not the answer.

D) Flip a coin and roll a number cube: In this case, you would flip a coin (two outcomes, heads or tails) and roll a number cube (six outcomes, numbers 1 to 6). To determine the total number of options, you need to multiply the number of outcomes from each activity: 2 (coin) x 6 (number cube) = 12. Since 12 is greater than the desired three options, this option is not the answer either.

Therefore, none of the given options provide a direct way to get one out of three options for a new car. It is possible that the correct answer is not listed, or the question may have been misworded.