A cinema hall contains a number of people If 221/2% are children 471/2% are men and 84 are women find the number of men in the hall?

children --- 22.5 %

men ---- 47.5 %
so women = 100 - 22.5 - 47.5 = 30%

so .3x = 84
x = 84/.3 = ...

To find the number of men in the cinema hall, we need to know the total number of people in the hall.

Let's represent the total number of people as "x".

According to the given information:
- 22.5% of x are children, which means 0.225x children are in the hall.
- 47.5% of x are men, which means 0.475x men are in the hall.
- There are 84 women in the hall.

Since the total number of people in the hall is equal to the sum of the number of children, men, and women, we can write the equation:

0.225x + 0.475x + 84 = x

Now, let's solve for x:

0.225x + 0.475x + 84 = x
0.7x + 84 = x
0.7x - x = -84
-0.3x = -84
x = -84 / -0.3
x ≈ 280

The total number of people in the cinema hall is approximately 280.

Now, let's find the number of men:

0.475x men = 0.475 * 280 = 133

Therefore, there are approximately 133 men in the hall.

To find the number of men in the cinema hall, we first need to find the total number of people in the hall.

Given information:
- 22 1/2% are children
- 47 1/2% are men
- 84 are women

Step 1: Calculate the percentage of the remaining people after accounting for children and women.
Children and women together make up (22 1/2% + 100% - 22 1/2%) = 100%.
So, the percentage of remaining people (after excluding children and women) is (100% - 22 1/2% - 47 1/2%) = 30%.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of people in the cinema hall using the percentage of remaining people.
Let the total number of people be x.
30% of x = x * (30/100) = 30x/100.

Step 3: Set up an equation to find the value of x.
In the total number of people, children, men, and women together should add up to x.
x = (22 1/2% of x) + (47 1/2% of x) + 84.

Step 4: Solve the equation to find the value of x.
x = (30x/100) + 84.

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by 100 to get rid of the fraction:
100x = 30x + 8400.

Now, subtract 30x from both sides to isolate the variable:
70x = 8400.

Finally, divide both sides by 70 to find the value of x:
x = 8400/70 = 120.

So, there are a total of 120 people in the cinema hall.

Step 5: Calculate the number of men.
47 1/2% of 120 = (47 1/2/100) * 120 = (95/2) * 120 = 5700/2 = 2850.

Therefore, there are 2850 men in the cinema hall.