Which option accurately describes the role of trade during the Age of Discovery?

Explorers such as Vasco da Gama sought to trade for gold and iron from the Ghana Empire.
Explorers such as Ferdinand Magellan sought to trade for coffee and tea from the Inca Empire.
Explorers such as Christopher Columbus sought to trade for spices from India.
Explorers such as Amerigo Vespucci sought to trade for guns from China.

I think it is C

You're on a roll. C is right.

Thank you

You're welcome.

You are correct, option C accurately describes the role of trade during the Age of Discovery. Explorers such as Christopher Columbus sought to trade for spices from India. However, let me explain how you can arrive at the answer by breaking down the options:

Option A: Explorers such as Vasco da Gama sought to trade for gold and iron from the Ghana Empire.
This option is incorrect because Vasco da Gama sailed to India, not the Ghana Empire, in search of a direct sea route to the source of valuable spices. While trade for gold and other goods was certainly important during this time, it did not occur specifically between Vasco da Gama and the Ghana Empire.

Option B: Explorers such as Ferdinand Magellan sought to trade for coffee and tea from the Inca Empire.
This option is incorrect because Ferdinand Magellan was primarily known for his voyages in the Pacific Ocean and his attempt to circumnavigate the globe. While trade with the Inca Empire did occur, Magellan's main objective was not to acquire coffee and tea from the Inca Empire.

Option C: Explorers such as Christopher Columbus sought to trade for spices from India.
This option is correct. Columbus, on his famous voyages funded by the Spanish Crown, aimed to find a western route to India and its lucrative spice trade. His discovery of the Americas was a byproduct of this objective, and it marked the beginning of the Age of Discovery.

Option D: Explorers such as Amerigo Vespucci sought to trade for guns from China.
This option is incorrect because Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer known for his voyages to the New World, particularly to the coasts of South America. While trade with China did occur during this time, Vespucci's primary focus was not on acquiring guns from China.

To sum up, explorers such as Christopher Columbus sought to trade for spices from India during the Age of Discovery, making option C the accurate choice.